Baltimore genre-bending multidimensional lyricist, vocalist, composer, producer and activist NERU THEE FOURTH FUGEE is proud to kick off 2020 with...
COLORS Features New Neru Thee Fourth Fugee Album ‘The Almanac’
by Ayoin News# Client Services, COLORS, COLORS Berlin, COLORS Feature, Colors Neru Thee Fourth Fugee, Colors Premiere, Colors Premiere Neru Thee Fourth Fugee, COLORS Studios, Digital PR, Hip-Hop, HipHop, Music PR, Neru Thee Fourth Fugee, Neru Thee Fourth Fugee Album, Neru Thee Fourth Fugee Colors, Neru Thee Fourth Fugee Colors Premiere, Neru Thee Fourth Fugee Premiere, Neru Thee Fourth Fugee The Almanac Album, Online PR, PR, PR Services, PR Work, Premiere, Premieres, Rap, The Almanac, The Almanac Album, The Almanac Premiere, UK, UK Rap, WPGM PR