Following her long-awaited comeback in March, after a two-year hiatus, with the exquisite alt-R&B offering ‘How Would It Feel’, which...
FIZZY Magazine Interviews Lyves About Her New Single ‘Change’
by Ayoin News# Client Services, Digital PR, Feature, Features, FIZZY MAG, Fizzy Mag Feature, Fizzy Mag Feature Lyves, Fizzy Mag Feature Lyves Change, Fizzy Mag Interviews Lyves, Fizzy Mag Interviews Lyves Change, Fizzy Mag Lyves, Fizzy Mag Lyves Change, Interview, Interviews, Lyves Change, Lyves Change Feature, Lyves Change Fizzy Mag, Lyves Change Interview, Lyves Feature, Lyves Fizzy Mag, Lyves Fizzy Mag Feature, Lyves Fizzy Mag Interview, Lyves Interview, Lyves Interview Fizzy Mag, Media Relations, Music PR, Online PR, PR, PR Services, PR Work, Publicity, WPGM PR